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💡 Last Update: 29 Mei 2023 (Update the attack formula)

The End of Us (Polymorphism)

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New York, 23 April 1967

DR. SCHOENHEISS: My biggest worry is a viral pandemic, likely transmitted through air travel.

DR. NEUMAN: I’m not concerned about viruses or bacteria. Fungi are the real threat.

HOST: Fungi? How so?

DR. NEUMAN: There are fungi that can control the minds of insects and even alter human behavior.

DR. SCHOENHEISS: But humans aren’t susceptible to fungal infections that control behavior.

DR. NEUMAN: True, but if the world gets warmer, fungi could evolve to infect humans and take control of our minds.

HOST: And there are no treatments or cures?

DR. NEUMAN: None. We lose if that happens.


Chapter 1: The Outbreak

Jakarta, 24 September 2003

It started as a strange phenomenon reported in the outskirts of the city. People showed unusual behavior, attacking others without provocation. The Mayor dismissed it as urban legends, but little did they know, Dr. Neuman’s ominous prediction had come true. A new strain of fungus had evolved, infecting humans and turning them into mindless, aggressive creatures.

Chapter 2: The Problem

Surabaya, 26 September 2003

The spread began in your City, As a computer engineer from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, you knew that you had to act fast to prevent the outbreak from spreading further. You started conducting research and discovered that the fungus was transmitted through physical contact, just like a virus. Infected humans would turn into zombies one day after being attacked, and there was a chance that they would die or turn into zombies themselves when attacked.

You decided to create a simulation of the outbreak to better understand the situation and develop a strategy to combat it. You set up a virtual world with a size of (100, 100) and populated it with humans, runners, stalkers, clickers, and bloaters. Each entity had a different defense and attack power, with the bloaters being the most powerful.

The zombies had a lethality score that determined the likelihood of a human dying if they were attacked. Runners had the lowest lethality score, while bloaters had the highest. The radius of each zombie's attack also depended on their stage, with bloaters having the largest radius.

You established the rules of the simulation. Humans could not initiate an attack, but zombies could. Zombies could only attack within their radius, and they would target the nearest human. If there were multiple humans at the same distance, the zombie would attack the first one it encountered. If the zombie won, it would swap positions with the defeated human. If the human won, it would swap positions with the defeated zombie. If human and zombie tie it would kill both of them.

Infected humans could not attack zombies or humans. If a human was attacked, there was a chance that they would die or turn into a zombie. The chance between die and turn into zombie is determined by the attacker stats. (See below)

Runners would mutate into stalkers after two days, stalkers into clickers after four days, and clickers into bloaters after six days. Infected humans would mutate into runners after one day. (See below for more detailed mutation)

In a day there are 24 cycles, with each cycle representing one attack. The goal was for one entity to defeat the other.

With the rules established, you launched the simulation and watched as the outbreak unfolded. You recorded the number of zombies, infected humans, and humans each day and continued the simulation until there were no humans or zombies left. The simulation could be stopped if there is no changes after one cycles.

Output Example

Day 1:
24 Zombies
0 Infected Humans
100 Humans
Day 2:
30 Zombies
1 Infected Humans
64 Humans
. This output is truncated for brevity.
Day 8:
78 Zombies
16 Infected Humans
0 Humans
No Human Left.


Entities Stats:

Entity ATK DEF Lethality Radius
Human 200-600 200-400 - -
Runner 100-200 100-200 0.1 13
Stalker 200-300 200-300 0.2 12
Clicker 400-600 300-500 0.8 11
Bloater 500-800 600-1000 0.9 15

For example for lethality stats, If a Human got defeated by a zombie with 0.8 lethalities, it means that the human has an 80% chance to die and a 20% chance to turn into a zombie.

Mutation Stages:

    Human --> Infected : ATK by Zombie
    Infected --> Dead : Chance based on lethality
    Infected --> Runner : Chance (1 - Lethality). Mutate after 1d
    Runner --> Dead : Defeated by Human
    Runner --> Stalker : Mutate after 2d
    Stalker --> Dead : Defeated by Human
    Stalker --> Clicker : Mutate after 4d
    Clicker --> Dead : Defeated by Human
    Clicker --> Bloater : Mutate after 6d
    Bloater --> Dead : Defeated by Human

Attack Formula:

When zombies and humans attack each other, their ATK and DEF stats are used to determine the winner, the winner is determined by comparing the effective attack of each entity. The effective attack value of an entity is calculated as its ATK stat minus the opponent’s DEF stat. To determine the winner of the combat, you compare the effective attack value of humans to the effective attack value of the zombie. The entities with the higher effective attack value win the combat.

The formula for calculating the effective attack is:

Effective Attack Value = max(ATK - DEF_opponent, 0)

The defense remains the same even after the entities are attacked.


  • ATK is the attacker’s attack stat
  • DEF is the defender’s defense stat
  • DEF_opponent is the opponent’s defense stats